Saturday, November 24, 2012

Programming Week 3, 11-19-2012

Seven Rounds
12 Thrusters, 75 pounds
9 Toes-to-Bar
200m Run with 20 pound medicine ball
Result: 32:20
     Should have scaled the run with no medball to work on running. Average was a little over 20min on this workout.


30 Clean and Jerks for time, 135 pounds
Goal: Under 5 minutes
Result: 6:18
     My back was a bit sore so I did not do touch and goes. I could not consistently bring the bar down with good form. I did not want to injure my back. I felt pretty good form through out the 30 reps. In my video I did notice that towards the end I stopped going to the full rack position and instead I received the bar in the press position and would go straight into the jerk. I am not sure if this is an acceptable receiving position. I believe it helps save some time. I did not notice I was doing it until I watched the video.

Side note, after I did Grace my back felt better. I think it helped loosen my back and hamstrings.


5 minutes- Double Unders
4 minutes- Kettlebell Swings
3 minutes- Toes To Bar

Goal: Not sure how many reps I could do.
Result: 130+41+41=212
    At the end of the double unders I think I finally figured out how to be more consistent with this new speed rope. Since this wire rope is so lightweight I can spin the rope very fast. as I start to get a good tempo I tend to go faster and faster until I go faster then my feet can go. I found that if you slow down the tempo and go a consistent pace rather then try to speed through it you will do more double unders in a shorter amount of time. It is like "Diane." If I come out of the gates too hard on my 21 deadlifts it crushes me for my handstand pushups and the rest of my deadlifts. Instead if I keep a constant pace and then blow out all my energy at the end I will have much better times and form tends to stay more consistent. 


Snatch 3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1

1.31 mile run 11:31
Pace: 8:48/mi

Goal: New 1rm Snatch PR. Old 1rm 165 pounds
1-165 felt weight go to front, need to keep weight on heels when in the squat position.
I think on the two 175 fails I wasn't aggressive enough getting under the bar I let it get to my head that It was a Pr and just didn't push under.

So I did this as extra because I knew I could PR.
170-didnt feel so solid at the bottom
170-so I did it again and it felt better
175F-argh!! NEW PR!

Side note, I felt and noticed that my arm/shoulder position was much better when I was at the bottom of the overhead squat. Elbow pits facing up armpits facing forward.
The Snatch Balance day I had the week before defiantly helped me with confidence in the bottom position. Will need to do more Snatch Balance days. 


Rest Day


AMRAP 20 Minutes
400m Run
3 Rounds
5 Pullups
10 Push ups
15 Squats

Goal: 4
Result: 3 rounds + about 200m

Rest Day

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