Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Conclusion: Rock Tape Vs KT Tape Pro

After many different tests with both of these tapes I have finally come to a conclusion.

I found that KT Tape PRO has a much better stretch than the Rock Tape. KT Tape PRO. Both KT Tape PRO and Rock Tape handles well no my hamstring, although when it came to my back The Rock Tape seems to come off a lot more. Rock Tape did not stick to itself very well and would start to come off from those points. While the KT Tape PRO did a pretty good job on my lower back to stick to itself. The other thing that I noticed was that since KT Tape PRO had a better stretch when you apply the tape to a high moment area like your shoulders, it tends to work better.

On a side note, both of these tapes however would be susceptible to rolling when I slept. Not all the time but it has happened.

My conclusion is that for me KT Tape PRO is the right choice and holds up to my activities. Diving in the ocean, CrossFit WODs, sitting around the house and sleeping.

KT Tape Pro 

Customer Service
Good stretch on tape
Comes in an uncut version
Sticks well to itself for taping applications that require that
Works well on flat areas like hamstrings
Comes in a cool plastic case

Have to look for uncut version. Not widely advertised.
Slight odor because it is synthetic. (not enough to bother me, come might be sensitive to the smell)

Rock Tape

Customer Service
Low Odor
Single Roll of Tape
Works well on flat areas like hamstrings

Frays easily
Hurts a bit when pulling tape off
Not as much stretch (need to use longer stripes of tape)
Did not stick well to itself for taping applications that require that


  1. have you tried the rock sauce with the kt tape? does that combo work out ok?

    1. I have. You have to wipe it off pretty well or else it wont stick very well. I believe the rock sauce works best with the cotton tapes. Since you apply to on top of the tape after as well. So maybe the cotton KT would work better than the KT Tape Pro. Although I haven't tried the cotton version of KT Tape.
