Saturday, November 24, 2012

Programming Week 4: 11-26-2012

Squat Cleans, 135 pounds
Hand Stand Push Ups
Goal: Under 10 minutes


3 Rounds
400m Run
20 Squats
10 Pullups
Goal: Under 10 minutes
Result: 12:18, Figure it would take around this time but was still shooting for sub 10min.


Bear Complex-5 rounds

5 Rounds
7 Cycles =1 round
1 Cycle 

Power Clean
Front Squat
Back Squat
Rest as needed.  
Increasing load as you go.
Goal: 135 pounds


Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 Pood
Box Jumps, 24"

Goal: Under 10 minutes


"Weston" 5 rounds
1,000m row
200m Farmers Carry, 45 pound dumbbells
50m Waiter Walk, Right hand, 45 pound dumbbell
50m Waiter Walk, Left hand, 45 pound dumbbell

Goal: Under 40 minutes

Rest Day

Gymnastics: 4
Metabolic Conditioning: 2
Weightlifting: 9

Programming Week 3, 11-19-2012

Seven Rounds
12 Thrusters, 75 pounds
9 Toes-to-Bar
200m Run with 20 pound medicine ball
Result: 32:20
     Should have scaled the run with no medball to work on running. Average was a little over 20min on this workout.


30 Clean and Jerks for time, 135 pounds
Goal: Under 5 minutes
Result: 6:18
     My back was a bit sore so I did not do touch and goes. I could not consistently bring the bar down with good form. I did not want to injure my back. I felt pretty good form through out the 30 reps. In my video I did notice that towards the end I stopped going to the full rack position and instead I received the bar in the press position and would go straight into the jerk. I am not sure if this is an acceptable receiving position. I believe it helps save some time. I did not notice I was doing it until I watched the video.

Side note, after I did Grace my back felt better. I think it helped loosen my back and hamstrings.


5 minutes- Double Unders
4 minutes- Kettlebell Swings
3 minutes- Toes To Bar

Goal: Not sure how many reps I could do.
Result: 130+41+41=212
    At the end of the double unders I think I finally figured out how to be more consistent with this new speed rope. Since this wire rope is so lightweight I can spin the rope very fast. as I start to get a good tempo I tend to go faster and faster until I go faster then my feet can go. I found that if you slow down the tempo and go a consistent pace rather then try to speed through it you will do more double unders in a shorter amount of time. It is like "Diane." If I come out of the gates too hard on my 21 deadlifts it crushes me for my handstand pushups and the rest of my deadlifts. Instead if I keep a constant pace and then blow out all my energy at the end I will have much better times and form tends to stay more consistent. 


Snatch 3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1

1.31 mile run 11:31
Pace: 8:48/mi

Goal: New 1rm Snatch PR. Old 1rm 165 pounds
1-165 felt weight go to front, need to keep weight on heels when in the squat position.
I think on the two 175 fails I wasn't aggressive enough getting under the bar I let it get to my head that It was a Pr and just didn't push under.

So I did this as extra because I knew I could PR.
170-didnt feel so solid at the bottom
170-so I did it again and it felt better
175F-argh!! NEW PR!

Side note, I felt and noticed that my arm/shoulder position was much better when I was at the bottom of the overhead squat. Elbow pits facing up armpits facing forward.
The Snatch Balance day I had the week before defiantly helped me with confidence in the bottom position. Will need to do more Snatch Balance days. 


Rest Day


AMRAP 20 Minutes
400m Run
3 Rounds
5 Pullups
10 Push ups
15 Squats

Goal: 4
Result: 3 rounds + about 200m

Rest Day

Constantly varied doesn't end at the movements...

This morning I had a "light-bulb" moment. I was thinking, "how do people wake up at 5am, 6,am, or 7am, for a morning workout? My body does not function like that so early in the morning." This made me realize that I should program a workout dr early in the morning and that when we think of "constantly varied" in CrossFit. It does not, or should not end at the movement. But should also included the time of day and conditions.

If we really want to increase GPP (General Physical Preparedness) and be ready for anything, we should also be prepared to do it at anytime in any condition. I have even noticed the past few days I have been waking up early to go fishing and diving. This early in the morning with little rest made it harder to acclimate to both the boat and the water. My breath hold was limited and my body didn't really start to adjust to being on a boat or in the water till later in the day.

To start my morning workouts I will have them as soon as I wake up and then start to schedule them for specific times. I will start small and do a 7am workout and move towards the 5am workout. Hopefully starting a morning workout will give me energy for the day. After all, It Starts Here...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Programming for the week of November 12, 2012

Second week of programming for the week of November 12, 2012.

There are a couple reasons why I am programming my workouts so far in advance. While I am trying to keep with variance and keeping GPP in mind. Since I have am still learning how to program it allows me to sit down and really think about what I am going to be doing for the upcoming week. Secondly it allows me to be prepared to hit my WOD on that day. I have a scheduled WOD and I wont be warming up thinking "what WOD will I do today."

I will be testing these workouts and seeing if I can come close to my projected times and make adjustments from there. These workouts are obviously scaled to me. So I will also consider what a scaled up or a scaled down version might look like. I will worry about those scaling later and focus on programming for myself first.

Hero Workout From The Outlaw Way:

Statement is from Tommy’s former Platoon Leader…

Thewhole thing with Tommy is that he embodies everything that’s right about RangerBattalion. He held the position of Ranger Team Leader which is literally thetip of the spear. He was the consummate, quiet professional—he expectedabsolutely zero recognition for what he did. He loved his job because he was aborn protector. He was perfectly content to carry out his life’s work under thecover of darkness, with his and his comrades’ actions to remain forever underthe cloak of shadows. He died doing what he loved; protecting all of us. Whatstood out about Tommy the most was his maturity beyond his years. I believe itwas the fact that he was the older brother of younger siblings, but likeanother Sgt. said “Tommy wasn’t one of those guys who joined the Army and grewinto a man. He joined as a man and grew others.” He left behind his beautifulwife wife, Claudia MacPherson, and their son, Brayden.

"Tommy Mac"
12Thruster 115/75#
12Power Snatch 115/75#
12Push Jerks 115/75#
12Hang Squat Clean 115/75#
12OHS 115/75#
12Thruster 115/75#
12Power Snatch 115/75#
12Push Jerks 115/75#
12Hang Squat Clean 115/75#
12OHS 115/75#

Goal Time: 30 Minutes


25 Double Unders
15 Hand Stand Push Ups

Goal Rounds: 7
Result: 3+25+14 buzzer sounder as I was finishing last rep so I didn't count it.


Snatch Balance 5-3-3-1-1-1-1

Warmup 5x95#s
3x125 failed 3rd slipped off back
1x170 Fail


Deadlift, 225 Pounds
Ring Dips
Goal Time: 10 Minutes
Result: 10:13


3 Rounds
500m Row
21 Burpees
400m Run

Goal Time: 20 Minutes

Rest Day
Rest Day

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Week of Programming

Monday: Rest

Mainsite WOD from November 3rd 2012. The 2010 Northwest Regional Event 1
3 Rounds
135pound Overhead Squat, 10 reps
50 Double-unders

Goal Time: 10 Min. 
Scaled to 95#s
Result: 13:21

5 rounds
Run 200m
15 Hip Extensions
10 Medicine Ball Cleans 20#s

Goal Time: 25 Min.
Result: 21:20

Jess Birthday WOD
35 Kettle Bell Swings
35 Wall Balls
35 Burpees
35 Double Unders
35 Power Cleans (135/95)
35 Ring Dips
Goal Time: 25 min.
Result: 23:21
Cleans and rings dips went really slow. The things I thought would be hard weren't that hard and the things I thought I'd do good at...I sucked at...That's CrossFit for ya!

3 Rounds
Run 400m
21 Front Squats, 95 pounds

Goal time: 15
Result: 13:49



Thursday, November 1, 2012

Whole 30 COMPLETE!

 Day 31 and I have completed The Whole 30!

To recap, my goals for the Whole 30.

Goals of my Whole 30:
1. Reduce inflammation in my heels. What I believe to be retrocalcaneal bursitis. Although the doctor things it is Achilles Tendinitis.
Pain in my heels have gone away. Although every now and then it comes back if running but goes away much quicker. I did a WOD that totaled 150 double unders, broken into 2 sets of 75 double unders and my heel was fine. Before the Whole 30 I would feel pain on the back of my heel and now I was doing good. The other day I ran up a hill and had slight pain but went away later in the day and this morning I am doing great! Pre Whole 30 that would not be the case. This is actually the first time in many months that the back of my heel does not hurt. So as far as reducing inflammation, I say this was a huge success!

2. Increase benchmark times. Improve overall fitness level.
Two days before I started the Whole 30 I did "Diane." My time was 9:12 a Pr. Today I did "Diane" again and my time was 9:40. I may have gone out too fat vein over anxious. I did notice that post WOD I wasn't nearly as exhausted as I remember I was when I hit 9:12. I think that my conditioning may have gotten better but I may have lost some strength. I can't really say what it is. I don't want to make excuses for myself. Next time I will do better and Pr!

Ps. My other theory is that since I wasn't wearing my sweatband I didn't have my Dan Bailey super powers. No excuses...Just saying.

3. Find a baseline for my body. What foods affect me in what ways. For example, Can I drink milk, eat cheese, yogurt, whey?
I will have to figure out this part later. This is part of my post Whole 30 tests.

4. Learn how to eat better and spot unhealthy eating habits.
I have defiantly learned a lot about processed foods, buying pre-made foods, and cooking. I found myself saying "they put sugar in everything!" or "What!? that has sugar too?" I guess I'm not the only one since whole9 had this photo...

I also learned that I am a decent cook. I was able to make a few things that I never thought I could do. The great thing is that is was not only healthy but also delicious! Even my family not on the Whole30 enjoyed it. Proving that healthy and tasty can and do, go hand in hand.

5.Get a 10 pack! Okay, well lets be honest, it is nice to lose some fat as well. I won't say that this is the main goal of the Whole 30, its defiantly on the list. Although I would be happy with a 6 pack.

Well I don't have a 10 pack but I am defiantly on my way to that sixer. During this whole thing I lost about 9-12 pounds. I am told that it is noticeable in my body and face.

I would call this whole thing s huge success. I am extremely happy I found the Whole 30 and reading "It starts with food."

Now I will be adding things back into my diet and tracking how they affect my body. We'll see how this goes!